Junior MA
Classes for children from 7 years old to 11 years old
Welcome to the ZKS Martial Arts Junior MA Programme! This exciting and engaging curriculum is designed especially for children in Key Stage Two aged 7 years old to 11 years old. Our programme helps kids learn martial arts while also growing stronger, more confident, and disciplined.

Why Choose ZKS Junior MA?
- Structured Yearly Syllabus: Our Junior MA programme is organized into three terms across the academic year. Each term focuses on different martial arts skills, ensuring that learning is both fun and progressive.
- Development of Core Skills: The syllabus is divided into three main
- Striking Term:
- Learn to punch and kick correctly.
- Practice moving forward, backward, and in circles.
- Understand how to protect your head and body while striking.
- Throwing and Grappling Term:
- Learn safe ways to fall and roll.
- Practice basic throws and grappling positions.
- Develop skills to escape from different holds and grips.
- Self-Defence Term:
- Combine striking, throwing, and grappling techniques.
- Learn how to defend yourself in various situations.
- Practice staying safe and protecting yourself effectively.
- Striking Term:
- Age-Appropriate Content: Our curriculum is perfect for children
aged 7 - 11 years old, focusing on:
- Spatial Awareness: Understand and control your movements
- Coordination and Balance: Perform more complex movements as you progress.
- Strength and Stability: Build a strong foundation for future activities.
- Communication Skills: Follow instructions and work well with others.
- Preparation for Teen Levels:
- Gain essential martial arts skills.
- Prepare for more advanced training in the future for the Teen MA classes.
What Parents Can Expect:
- Holistic Development: Our programme supports physical, mental, and social development, making it an excellent supplement to academic learning.
- Safe and Supportive Environment: Safety is our top priority. All activities are conducted under close supervision, ensuring a secure environment for all students.
- Life Skills: Beyond martial arts techniques, children learn important life skills such as self-discipline, perseverance, and respect for others.
ZKS MA Junior MA Syllabus
What we expect from our Junior MA:
In the ZKS Martial Arts Junior MA Programme, we use two categories of techniques to ensure comprehensive learning and skill development:TT (Tested Techniques) and AT (Additional Techniques). TT techniques are fundamental skills that all members will learn and practice throughout the term. These techniques are designed to build a strong foundation in martial arts and will be the focus of our mini-assessments at the end of each term. Members will be assessed on their proficiency in these core techniques to ensure they are ready to advance to the next level.
On the other hand,AT techniques are for those members who have shown significant progress and are already familiar with the basics. These additional techniques provide an extra challenge and are aimed at enhancing their martial arts journey. TTs. These additional techniques provide opportunities for enhanced skill development and further progression, offering new challenges that build upon their existing knowledge and capabilities. By mastering AT echniques, advanced members can continue to improve their skills, keeping their training dynamic and engaging. This structured approach ensures that all students, regardless of their level, are continuously learning and progressing in a way that suits their individual needs.

Winter Term: Striking
Tested Techniques (TT)
- Fighting stance and guard
- Horse stance
- Side of head covering
- Jab punch
- Reverse punch
- Hook punch
- Front kick
- Side kick from horse stance
- Roundhouse kick
- Flow drill 1
- Flow drill 2
Additional Techniques (AT)
- Uppercut
- Wedging block
- Switch roundhouse kick
- Hook kick horse stance
- Outside crescent kick
- Spinning outside crescent kick
- Advanced Flow drill 1
- Advanced Flow drill 2
Aims by the end of the Winter Term
- Understand and maintain a proper fighting stance with balanced weight distribution and movement in various directions.
- Master key defensive techniques with ducking and covering the head and body.
- Perform basic strikes: jab punch, reverse punch, hook punch, front kick, side kick from horse stance, and roundhouse kick
- Execute Flow Drill 1 and Flow Drill 2 to combine these basic techniques
- Show understanding of level changes and the ability to set up and connect multiple strikes fluidly in sparring.
- When skill level has increased move from TT to AT strikes and flowdrills.
Spring: Throwing and Grappling
Tested Techniques(TT)
Body Movements
- Backwards breakfall, kneeling and standing
- Forwards roll, kneeling and standing
- Side break fall from press up position
- Shrimping/shoulder walking
Grappling positions
- Side control
- Scarf hold
- Top mount
- Back mount
- Belt tying
- Closed guard
Grappling escapes
- Side control escape
- Top mount escape
- Scarf hold escape
- Osoto-Gari, outside leg reap
- Uchi-Mata, major inner thigh throw
- Scarf hold escape
Additional Techniques (AT)
- Technical stand up
- Half guard
- Passing Closed Guard
- Back mount escape.
- Hiza-Guruma, knee wheel
Aims by the end of the Spring term
- Should proficiently perform fundamental body movements
- Understanding grappling positions
- Demonstrate effective grappling escapes
- Execute basic throws
- Advanced students will have mastered additional techniques
- Being able to dress themselves for class and tying up belt

Summer Term: Self Defence
Tested Techniques (TT)
- Backward roll from a gentle push
- Side break fall from press up
- Top mount
- Top mount escape
- Dealing with grab and punch attacks
- Recovering from a fall
- Headlock defence
- Bear hug defence
- Learn competition rules for annual comp.
Aims by the End of the Summer Term
By the end of the Summer term, students in the Junior MA Programme should be able to perform striking and grappling techniques confidently. They will demonstrate the ability to maintain their stance and structure when being pushed or pulled, showing improved balance and control. Students will be able to seamlessly connect basic movements into fluid sequences, enhancing their overall coordination and martial arts proficiency. They will understand the importance of perseverance, never giving up and always striving to improve. Additionally, they will be familiar with the rules and etiquette for safe and respectful participation in martial arts activities and competitions.
Join Us Today! Enroll your child in the ZKS Martial Arts Junior MA programme and watch them grow in skill, confidence, strength, and character. Our expert instructors are dedicated to providing a nurturing and educational experience that will benefit your child in all areas of life.